Beste volleybal-liefhebbers, opgelet! Wij van het Roze Blok organiseren weer een gezellig beachvolleybal-toernooi op zaterdag 18 juni! Iedereen is van harte welkom, we maken het met z’n allen gezellig! We gaan lekker op het strand van Den Haag ballen: In de ochtend aanmelden en we spelen tot eind van de middag! Teams bestaan uit 2, 3 of 4 mensen afhankelijk van de gekozen pool tijdens het inschrijven. Lunch voor iedereen wordt door ons geregeld.
Inschrijfgeld 25€ per persoon
Handige informatie:
Rekeningnummer betaling toernooi deelname:
NL86 SNSB 0773 0554 36
t.n.v. ‘Roze Blok’
(vermeld hierbij uw team naam)
Heeft u een vraag? Stuur gerust een mail naar
of via whatsapp naar:
+31 6 12 32 46 72
Dear volleyball lovers, get ready! Roze Blok is organizing another fantastic beach volleyball tournament on Saturday, June 18th! Everyone is welcome, we’ll enjoy the nice weather and the volleyball atmosphere together! 😁 We are going to play on the beach of The Hague: registration is in the morning. We will play until the end of the afternoon! Teams can be made out of 2, 3 or 4 people depending on the pool you choose when you register. Lunch will be arranged by us.
Participation fee 25€ per person
Important information:
Bank account number for participation payment:
NL86 SNSB 0773 0554 36
in the name of ‘Roze Blok’
(mention your team name in the description)
Any questions? Please email us at:
or via whatsapp at:
+31 6 12 32 46 72
Address tournament:
The beach volleyball tournament will be held (just like last year) at the beach of Kijkduin. If you use a navigation system to reach the tournament, use ‘Parkeerterrein Kijkduinsestraat’ or ‘Parkeerplaats Zandvoortselaan’ as the destination location.

Terms and Conditons
As always, the Roze Blok promises to provide a weekend full of fun, sports, entertainment, good food, and friendship. To make sure the whole event remains fun for everybody, the following Terms & Conditions apply to participation:
- We guarantee that there will be lots of fantastic people with sunny personalities. However, we cannot guarantee the same for the weather. In the event that the weather turns out to be not so ‘beach volleyball-friendly,’ we will try as much as possible to create an alternative program. Your registration fee however cannot be refunded in such an event.
- Organising an event like this requires a lot of planning, effort, and money. Given this, we cannot permit teams to withdraw their registration, and have their registration fees refunded. (Why would anyone want to withdraw anyway?!) There can be, of course, exceptional circumstances wherein your team (or a member of your team) cannot make it. If this happens, please contact us, we’ll try to find a solution.
- We’re quite sure that the tournament will be fun and competitive. We know you’ll do your best to win as much as possible, but please be careful and stay safe! In the unfortunate event of physical injury, Roze Blok Delft cannot be held liable. We will of course make sure that you are taken care of by getting you the needed medical assistance.
- The number of participating teams in the tournament is limited. We therefore advice you to make your payment as soon as possible to guarantee your registration. Once the limit of teams has been reached, we will close the registration, and start a waiting list. Naturally, you can always join us for the BBQ or come watch some quality volleyball. Either way, just let us know!
- In case too few and/or too many teams are participating in a specific level, we may have to rearrange the poules at our own discretion to ensure the same amount of fun for everyone. In that case, we will inform you of the changes we made.
Last but not least … We expect all of you to have fun and be happy!